Brannon Howse: Aired February 22, 2012


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Today in part seven, the final in this series, Brannon continues explaining 20 similarities between the false church in Nazi Germany that laid the foundation for the acceptance of Hitler and the rising global false church that will lay the foundation for the acceptance of the antichrist. Similarity eighteen is postmodernism and twenty is deconstructionism. Brannon explains how the New Religious Right claims they are opposed to the deconstructionism of the left in the area of politics and history yet they aid in and promote deconstructionism by not protecting the gospel and by taking Scripture out of context to fit their political and ecumenical agenda. The Nazi church was greatly influenced by the deconstructionism promoted by Martin Heidegger and it helped to lay the foundation for the acceptance of community above Biblical truth. Today much of the Emergent church is interested in community over Biblical truth. The New Religious Right community is interested in dominionism (Christianizied globalism) or the seven mountain mandate over Biblical truth.

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