Brannon Howse: Aired February 27, 2012


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Part One: Does Kirk Cameron’s Monumental Movie Have Some Monumental Problems? Brannon’s guests include Chris Pinto and Ed Decker. On March 27, 2012 the movie Monumental is to be released in theatres throughout America. While we believe those involved in this project are very sincere in their endeavor, we believe there are reasons to be concerned about this film project. Aside from the “let’s get back to our founding fathers” message that we find objectionable because many of America’s founding fathers were hostile to the gospel, the movie Monumental appears to use as one of its major props The National Monument to the Forefathers, formerly known as the Pilgrim Monument. The monument is a major part of the artwork and publicity of the film including in the movie trailer. It is our belief based on hours of research that the Monument to the Forefathers is not a Biblically acceptable rallying point or symbol for Christians or Christian families or the way we should go for several reasons. One major reason would be that historical documents report that the monument had its cornerstone laid by Freemasons who were involved in part in funding and erecting this monument. The historical record also reveals that the cornerstone includes the name of the Grand Master of the Lodge of Freemasons of Massachusetts and his title on a plaque on the cornerstone. The historical record also reports that members of the Pilgrim Society that assisted in establishing and paying for the monument and its members included freemasons and funding from freemasonry lodges. 2 Corinthians 6:14, Romans 16:17, 2 John 9-11, forbid Christians from being bound together with unbelievers in a common enterprise. These verses further reveal they can be no agreement between the temple of God [Christians are the temple of God] and idols. These verses make it clear that the church, [and Christians are what make up the church] are not to take the practices, methods, symbols, and enterprises of the unsaved world and incorporate them into our worship and service to God or our attempts to restore liberty and freedom.

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