Brannon Howse: Aired February 29, 2012


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Part Three: Brannon and Chris Pinto play audio clips of David Barton talking about Glenn Beck wearing the title Mormon but being a Christian. News reports state that Barton was interviewed for the movie Monumental. Hear audio clip of Kirk calling the Monument our Gilgal stone. Hear audio clips of Kirk Cameron on with Glenn Beck and how we believe Glenn Beck tries to align his global movement with that of Kirk. This is the danger when you work with these types of people.

Update since the program was recorded: We have a freemasonry expert studying the Monument to the Forefathers with some very close up photos. This afternoon this expert, in studying just one close up photo, has already identified what he says is an additional, proven, Mason symbol. He has provided us with documentation from a Freemason ritual book to document his analysis. We will reveal the picture and documentation soon. We will also report on any other symbols he identifies.

I have read where someone who has seen the entire Monumental film is saying that it is not pro-freemasonry. Let us get something 100% clear. I, nor anyone else I know, have said it is or said it will be a pro-Freemason film. Those of us that are concerned about this topic are saying that Christians should not use a statue dedicated or funded in part or whole by freemasons that includes symbols of Freemasonry. Christians should not mix the Holy with the profane any more than Christians should rally around a New Age symbol, statue of Mary or a statue of Buddha or Stonehenge.
Don’t let people who are committed to Americanism and personalities spin on this. Regardless of whether the film is gospel centered or not does not justify Christians praising this monument or rallying around it any more than Christians should rally around Stonehenge or believe that by calling yoga “Christian yoga” that makes the practice acceptable. Christians are not to mix paganism and Biblical Christianity. It really is that simple and that black and white. How can Christians believe God will bless our nation and restore liberty and freedom when we mix paganism with Christianity? The fact we have to explain this over and over to self-professing Christians reveals how shallow the church in America has become. If you think freemasonry is no big deal then watch this free video clip.

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