Brannon Howse: Aired on February 3, 2011


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America has drastically changed and our laws and governments are not only disobeying God but in many ways they are inventing ways to plot evil against God. Thus, should American Christians say the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag in our Sunday worship services? Brannon says no and explains why. This was the question of a caller yesterday at the end of the program and today Brannon answers this question using specific Bible verses as well as defining such words as allegiance and republic; two words found in the pledge. What is a republic and is America even a republic any longer? Why should the church in America and around the world be very clear in explaining the difference between the Biblical role of the church and the Biblical role of the government? Why could pledging allegiance to the flag and the government for which is stands, send a very dangerous and unbiblical message to adults and students in our churches that do not even know the meaning of the word republic much less understand when and why Christians sometimes have a Biblical mandate to disobey the ungodly orders of a government that has violated their God ordained role and purpose. The Bride of Christ is called to give allegiance to God over the government when that government conflicts with the commandments of God. The church in America must keep the cross and the gospel higher than the flag. The majority of the churches in Germany fell into the trap of merging with the government and instead of being the church and opposing Hitler; the false church became willing participants of his regime. We take lots of calls on this topic to see if you agree or disagree with Brannon’s position that churches should not be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance as part of their worship services.

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