Brannon Howse: Aired February 5, 2013


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John.” Question: Gen. 1:6-8 speaks of dividing the waters under the firmament from those above it. I've heard that this could have been in the form of a water canopy creating uniform temperatures. Gen. 1:14 says that the stars are for light, signs and seasons. My understanding is that seasons came about as a result of Noah's Flood, so what might have been the seasons that God was referring to in Gen. 1:14? Question: What was the one language used before the Tower of Babel? What was the language in Daniel 5, which God wrote with His fingers and no one could read until Daniel came? Question: I am wondering if there is any significance to the use of the two names of Moses' father-in-law: first Reuel and then, through the rest of Genesis, Jethro. Question: Why did the people of Egypt, who gave a portion of their own crops to store up for the famine, have to buy back their own food from Joseph? I understand selling it to outsiders and travelers, but weren’t they merely storing up to prepare themselves for the future, as God had warned of what was coming? Question: My pastor had a sermon on the fact that we are all born with a sin nature but that babies are not sinners when born, but innocent. As they live, they sin. I am confused. I was under the understanding that we are all born sinners from Adam and Eve. My pastor also said the sin nature comes only from the blood of the father, not the mother. Can you help me understand this? Question: Our new pastor has brought Ash Wednesday into our church. I will not take part. What is your knowledge of or feelings about the practice of Ash Wednesday? Question: Was Judas predestined to be lost and to carry out his betrayal of Christ? Question: Did Jesus know that Judas would be His betrayer? Queston: What is the “new thing” in Jer. 31:22. Why is this “a new thing" when many women since Eve have "encompass(ed) a man" (NKJV)? Question: Please explain the second half of Eph. 3:19.

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