Brannon Howse: Aired February 7, 2013


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Brannon’s guest is Chris Pinto. Topic: A report has come to Brannon’s attention that reveals that the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s Sustainable Development program funded evangelicals to push their environmentalist agenda which means that evangelicals were pushing globalism. This is exactly what Brannon reported in his book Religious Trojan Horse. What other radical ideas have the globalist foundations convinced evangelical leaders to push on unsuspecting evangelicals? This reveals not only a religious Trojan horse but also why it is so important to follow the money. Topic: Israel National is reporting that Israel seems to have sold Jerusalem to the Vatican. What does this mean and does this fit with Bible Prophecy? Topic: In 1788 in Federalist Paper #46, James Madison expressed concern of what America is seeing occur today—a powerful military that has come under the control of politicians that are hostile to America and the U.S. Constitution. Hear the 1961 audio of President Eisenhower, who had been a five star general, warning of the military industrial complex.

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