Brannon Howse: Aired January 11, 2013


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Topic: Louie Giglio is not a living martyr. Topic: Hear about Brannon’'s conversation with a man in his forties that told him he had never heard the gospel that Brannon shared with him. How did this man respond to the good news? Topic: Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung for a Middle East update. Topic: US Troops and Patriot Missiles Arrive in Turkey - Iran Says for Protection of Israel. Topic: The Palestinian Terror Group Fatah Celebrates 48 Years of Terrorism and Says Their Mission is to Save Jerusalem. Topic: Palestinian President Abbas Says the Most Notorious Arab Murderer of Jews is his Hero, while the President of Israel Says Prepare for a Palestinian Uprising. Topic: A Palestinian Official Joins with Many Others in the Arab World Saying that Israel is Preparing to Build the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. Topic: We take your calls.

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