Brannon Howse: Aired January 23, 2012


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Examining the worldview and ideas of Newt Gingrich and what it means that members of the New Religious Right are backing him. While there is no perfect candidate, that does not mean “evangelicals” need to compromise Biblical truth and embrace someone with a worldview that is hostile to Biblical truth and in doing so try and convince Christians otherwise. There is occurring, a convergence (to use the word of the New Apostolic Reformation, New Agers and communitarians) occurring between the political left and political right as well as the theological left and theological right. Don’t confuse the theological right with Biblical theology. If those of the New Religious Right were truly committed first and foremost to sound Biblical theology and doctrine, they would not be involved in spiritual enterprises with those involved in the New Age Movement, pagan spirituality, the New Apostolic Reformation, ecumenicalism, globalism, communitarianism, the Church of Rome, the Word of Faith movement, social justice and the social gospel. Newt Gingrich is just another of a long line of political candidates that many of the New Religious Right has and will hook their wagon to in political and spiritual endeavors. However, Newt is a great example of the compromise to which the New Religious Right will participate in order to achieve their largely self-serving and often unbiblical and unachievable goals and objectives to the detriment of the gospel. The reason the Newt Gingrich—New Religious Right story is important because it reveals several things. On a small scale it is a preview of how a future group of global “Christian” leaders, that will have a form of godliness but deny God, will assist in leading a false church into following not just a local, state or presidential candidate, but a one-world leader. Brannon believes what is occurring is further proof that God is judging America. The infiltration of the religious and political left into the New Religious Right is part of God’s judgment as our nation and institutions are led by vain, foolish, and futile thinking men as revealed in Romans 1:21-22. Part of this judgment includes God giving America leaders that not only practice that which is against the righteous judgments of God but also encourage others do to the same as revealed in Romans 1:32. Romans 1:25 also says national judgment involves God giving a nation over to pagan spirituality. The New Religious Right has now openly embraced the NAR, Word of Faith and other groups that practice pagan spirituality. To further understand how America’s leading presidential candidates is part of God turning America over then you must understand the worldview of not only Mitt but also Newt. To understand Newt you must understand the worldview of Heidi and Alvin Toffler. Newt Gingrich promoted and embraced the worldview of Alvin Toffler. Newt Gingrich was so inspired by the futurist vision of Heidi and Alvin Toffler that he wrote the forward to their book, Creating a New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave. What did the Toffler’s promote? In today’s program we also examine Newt’s book, “A Contract With the Earth”.

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