Brannon Howse: Aired January 24, 2012


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Topic: Brannon continues from yesterday’s program and reveals from Romans 1 why he believes that God has turned America over and that the lack of good presidential candidates is part of national judgment. Brannon explains how Christians can use national judgment to advance the gospel? Romans 1, explains why there is an increase in false teachers as well as the increase in false gods, and demonic activity. The Bible explains that demons often take on the role of the false gods that pagans worship. I King 22:19-23 explain that God has allowed demons to speak through false prophets as part of His judgment. Romans 1, allows us to understand that part of divine judgment is that leaders at all levels of government, religion, education, and society increasingly become debased. Brannon explains why he believes that many of the leaders of neo-evangelicalism and the New Religious Right are also part of divine national judgment. Romans 1, tells us that debased people lack discernment and thus are open to spiritual deception and embracing false teaches. 2 Thessalonians speaks of people being turned over to a strong delusion as part of God’s judgment. Topic: Continuing from yesterday’s program, Brannon reads from a pro-United Nations website that praises Newt Gingrich for the fact that he "co-authored a lengthy treatise about the value of the United Nations to American interests" in 2005. Topic: Newt’s book, Contract with the Earth, calls for the strengthening of the United Nations. Topic: Gingrich praised the Toffler’s and even wrote a foreword to one of their books yet as researcher Steve Farrell documents, Toffler, in the book, The Third Wave, wrote , that he wants divorce, hot affairs, bisexuality & immorality without guilt. Topic: The Toffler’s have called for our constitutional system to be replaced, yet Gingrich has praised the Tofflers and promoted their books, and wrote the foreword to one of their books. Topic: The Contract with America allowed for bigger government hiding in double-speak. Welfare reform that sounds good can actually be used to increase abortions.

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