Brannon Howse: Aired January 27, 2014


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Topic: Neo-Evangelicals proclaim that homosexuals are made in the image of God as reported in TIME Magazine. Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family, Rev Samuel Rodriquez, Mat Staver, and James Robison, along with others, are promoting this campaign. The writer for TIME magazine even had enough common sense to realize this was a move to the left. Topic: What does it mean to be created in the image of God? All humans are created in the image of God but this does not in any way give credibility or credence to the sinful behavior of humans. Topic: Daly is quoted in TIME magazine as throwing out the tired cliché that God loves the sinner but hates the sin. Is this a true statement? Brannon explains why this tired cliché is true and false depending on how you define the word love. Topic: Rev. Samuel Rodriquez is quoted by TIME Magazine as saying that the church of Jesus Christ and the word hatred should not even appear in the same sentence. Brannon reads numerous Bible verses that speak of God’s hatred toward workers of iniquity. Brannon explains how God can hate the lost and unrepentant sinner and how they are under God’s wrath while also being recipients of His mercy for a season. However, that mercy or concern should not be confused with the kind of love that God has for His own children. Topic: We take your calls.

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