Brannon Howse: Aired January 29, 2013


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Brannon’s guest is Pastor Jesse Johnson. Topic: Brannon and Jesse examine Luke 14:26-27 and Mark 8:34. Why does it mean to deny yourself and to pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ? Jesse and Brannon explain that what is being described here by Jesus is not works but simply Biblical repentance which the Bible declares as being necessary for salvation. Topic: Christians must be careful not to lead people to believe that in order to be saved they must first clean up their life as this is simply moralizing and is not Biblical. In addition, at the point of salvation not all sin habits will necessarily stop immediately. As new believers are discipled in Biblical truth and grow in grace, much of their old life will begin to fall away and this is the process of sanctification. However, repentance involves understanding your depravity, understanding you deserve God’s wrath for your sins and knowing that your salvation is nothing you can earn or deserve. This understanding produces a heart’s desire to turn from sin and to follow Christ as you surrender your will to Him. Topic: When studying Luke 14:26-27, why is it wrong to say that this passage is describing someone that becomes a Christian and later becomes a disciple? Topic: We take your calls.

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