Brannon Howse: Aired On January 3, 2011


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Topic One: Rick Warren says he was mentored for years by Peter Drucker. We have now discovered over the holiday weekend that Peter Drucker admitted to be influenced by John Maynard Keynes who was a Fabian Socialist. Could this help explain why Rick Warren promotes his three legged stool of Communitarianism that calls for a partnership between the government, business, and non-profits? What do Fabian Socialists believe? Topic Two: Silver makes big jump. Why might silver continue to go up, up, up? Is there more silver above ground or more gold? Topic Three: The American dollar was at one time backed by gold but once the American dollar was no longer backed by gold it become backed by "black gold" and consumer confidence. America agreed to defend Saudi Arabia in exchange for trading oil based on the U.S. dollar. Now more and more nations are abandoning the American, Petro-dollar. What will this mean for Americans and the American dollar and why might it send gold and silver even higher over the next few years? Topic Four: The Christian Post says one of the top ten stories in 2010 was the Beck Rally and Christians that questioned uniting all religions together and looking to one god as called for by Beck. Topic Five: Pope Benedict XVI to hold conference in attempt to unit world religions for global peace. Topic Six: Worldview Weekend Radio mentioned in Harper's Magazine. Topic Seven: We take your calls.

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