Brannon Howse: Aired on January 3, 2012


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Topic: Rev. Jim Garlow reportedly was a guest on a talk program in Iowa on January 2, 2012, one day before the Iowa Caucus. In this interview Garlow was discussing why Christians should vote for Newt Gingrich. Let’s set aside the discussion of politics in Garlow’s interview and instead focus on the theological and doctrinal issue of Garlow’s call for Christians to practice “biblically-founded pragmatism”. Why does Brannon believe there is no such thing as “biblically-founded” pragmatism or biblically-founded moral relativism or biblically founded situational ethics? Christians are not to practice pragmatism but are to make decisions based on the absolute truth of God’s Word. Topic: Joel Osteen’s January 1, 2012, national television message was Osteen promoting the law of attraction. Hear the audio clip for yourself as well as his November 20, 2011 sermon talking about the power of I AM. Brannon explains why he believes this is New Age spirituality or the attempt to Christianize shamanism. Hear audio clips from Glenn Beck and Oprah Winfrey and see if what they are teaching is similar to what Joel Osteen is teaching. Topic: We take your calls.

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