Brannon Howse: Aired on January 5, 2011


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Brannon's guest is Jackie Alnor of On his TV program on January 4, 2011 Glenn unveiled what he calls the “E4 Experiences” that he will be promoting for 2011. Part of the theme he will be promoting is nothing short of New Age heresy and blasphemy. The "E4 Experiences" include Enlightenment, Education, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship. The two that are the most disturbing were described by Beck on a giant poster that included the following wording. Enlightenment: God – "I AM That I Am" Miracles, faith and Divine Providence. Empowerment: Yes I AM! Yes I Can!
It is going to be an interesting 2011 and we will be watching and writing on the religious trends that will continue to reveal that a one world religion based on pagan spirituality is being accepted on both the right and the left.

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