Brannon Howse: Aired on January 6, 2011


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Topic One: People are still e-mailing Brannon claiming that Glenn Beck is just a baby Christian. How much false teaching does one have to believe and proclaim before "Christians" are willing to admit that someone is not a Christian? Topic Two: Iran has arrested 60 Christian leaders calling them "a corrupt and deviant current." On New Year's Day Coptic Christians in Egypt are murdered by Muslims. Topic Three: Are American Christians prepared for persecution? Several American Christians are e-mailing Brannon and revealing that not only are they not prepared to endure persecution but they do not think that it can happen here in America. Can American Christians still exhibit the Joy of the Lord even if we lose our freedoms and material prosperity? Some American Christians seem to believe that unless they have material prosperity and freedom then they really do not see the point of continuing to fight the good fight. How as the message of Joel Osteen and others convinced Americans that they cannot be happy unless they have prosperity? Topic Four: We take your calls.

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