Brannon Howse: Aired January 8, 2013


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Part four on Passion 2013. Brannon's guest is Chris Rosebrough. Topic: President Obama has picked Passion 2013 leader Louie Giglio to pray at his 2nd Presidential Inauguration. Giglio is quoted as saying in part "“May we all look to our God, from whom we receive mercy, grace, and truth to strengthen our lives, our families and our nation."” When he says “may we all look to our God”, there is a problem because we all do not worship the same God. In addition, is Louie going to give a clear gospel in his prayer and refute the pluralism of President Obama as well as set himself apart from the President’s anti-Biblical policies such as same-sex marriage and abortion? Is this one more example of the New Religious Right being co-opted by a politician in order to gain more credibility for their radical agenda? Topic: We take your calls on Passion 2013 and our past three radio programs and our phone lines light up.

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