Brannon Howse: Aired January 9, 2012


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Topic: Good news! Branson Worldview Weekend registration is 5 times higher at this point then any of the previous eight years. You see, there are lots of Christians that want Biblical truth. Topic: Good news! Brannon is speaking right now to a church for three days that includes lots of young people that want to understand Biblical doctrine. Topic: Bible teacher describes God speaking and giving picture of what is the church and then mentions Church of Rome as the mixture of denominations. Topic: National conference with 35,000 college students has large screen that says “Jesus, speak to me”. One speaker asks the students how many of them heard the voice of God. Did any speaker make it clear to these students that we do not hear the voice of God today outside of the Scriptures? If we are hearing the voice of God then that is extra-Biblical revelation, and the Cannon is open and we can add to the Scriptures; which is specifically forbidden by God in the Scriptures. Topic: A very kind and gracious Catholic caller calls in to talk with Brannon. The caller wants to know why Brannon believes that the wafer in the Catholic communion does not become the literal body of Christ. The caller sites John 6:53-56. However, as Brannon explains, these verses have nothing to do with communion as this is Jesus speaking prior to the last super. In addition, if it were speaking of the communion then it would mean anyone that took communion is saved and that is not a Biblical gospel.

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