Brannon Howse: Aired July 10, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John”. Question #1: Why is it that Jesus promises the church of Smyrna more persecution while Philadelphia is kept safe from the coming testing when both were given very good reports?

Question #2: In the dispensational scheme of things, is the tribulation temple going to be built with or without God's blessing? And if it is without God's blessing, how can there be any abomination that causes desolation in it?

Question #3: Does Joel 2:28, 29 apply only to the tribulation? What about Acts 2:16-21? Question #3: Did John the Baptist really fail in his mission?

Question #4: First, I want to say that I am not into meditation or contemplative prayer. However, I am in the process of teaching Acts 10 and 11 to a Bible study group. Please explain the visions of Cornelius and Peter, especially 10:10 and 11:5, which states that Peter fell into a trance while praying. Also, Acts 10:30, which states that Cornelius had his vision while praying.

Question #5: With all of the voter fraud here and abroad I was the "voting system" Biblical? In my thinking, no. I understand that "the majority rules" (democracy) is not a very good system and the Bible has several examples of the remnant, the few, and standing against the majority. The form of government in Bible times, if I am correct, were kings and judges. Can you tell me why that ended?

Question #6: I listened to a sermon today called "Healing of Body, Soul & Mind". He was talking about the different reasons we may encounter sickness, one of them being brought on by Satan. He gave several examples from scripture where Satan had bound people with sickness of some sort. He went on to say that when we have the knowledge of God that our sickness is from the devil, then we can rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus and command the sickness to leave. We can take authority over it. My first question is how do we know when our sickness is directly from Satan? And do we actually have authority over it? or Satan?

Question #7: Why did Jesus allow the demons to enter the swine? (Matthew 8:30-37; Mark 5:1-20; and Luke 8:27-38).

Question #8: What verses and what Biblical counsel would Dr. John give to my father who has been ensnared by the Word of Faith / Prosperity Gospel and interprets every verse in the Bible through the lens of that theology? I read my father Exodus 4:11, "Then the LORD said to him [Moses], “Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?" I told him that this shows that God is sovereign over who is blind, mute, and deaf, but he told me that I was not interpreting this correctly, because healing and prosperity are in the atonement for all who believe.

Question #9: How much time is there going to be between the Rapture of the Church and the signing of that peace treaty with the anti-christ and Israel? Will it be a matter of weeks, months or years .and is there any Scripture to support the time frame?

Question #10: Can you please post your view on this scripture: Mark 16:17-18.

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