Brannon Howse: Aired July 10, 2013


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Why the Mother of Harlots? Revelation 17 describes all the false religions of the world uniting under the Mother of Harlots but why is she called the mother of harlots? Where were her children birthed? In this fast paced program Brannon begins with Revelation 17 and then takes you to Genesis 11 and the Tower of Babel which is the birth place of many of the world’s false religions that share the common worship of the mother/son cult of Semiramus and Tammuz. Brannon explains the mother/son cult that was birthed at the Tower of Babel and reveals how the “queen of heaven”, birthed at the Tower of Babel, was eventually worshiped by the rebellious children of Israel in Jeremiah 7:16-18 and Jeremiah 44:15-19. In fact, in Jeremiah 44:15-19, the women of Israel were leading this rebellion in what can be described as feminist driven mysticism. Much of today’s false religions involved the worship of a feminine deity such as Mary, Gaia, or Mother Earth. Brannon reveals how all these false religions are indeed uniting now to build the harlot church.

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