Brannon Howse: Aired July 11, 2013


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Part Two: Why the Mother of Harlots? On today’s program Brannon further explains the names that are used even today among false religions to identify Semiramis and Nimrod. Many of the symbols of the occult Babylonian religion that started at the Tower of Babel, that will unit in Rome under the Mother of Harlots, are often in plain sight if only people knew at what they were looking. For instance, the Statue of Liberty is Semiramis and this is even documented by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society on their website when describing the Air Force Medal of Honor. Other names for Semiramis include, the Queen of Heaven, Queen of Babylon, Asherah, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and Gaia the feminist deity. The Statute of Liberty was designed by Freemasons from France and given to America. What do New Agers say is the meaning of the seven rays coming out of the head of the Statue of Liberty? What is meant by liberty according to freemasons and those involved in the French revolution and why is their type of liberty completely unbiblical?

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