Brannon Howse: Aired on July 12, 2011


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Exposing Joel’s Army Part One: One news headline recently declared, “Rick Perry bases call for national salvation on ‘Joel’s army’ Cult”. The New Apostolic Reformation believes in the “Manifested Sons of God” also known as “Joel’s Army” or “supermen” a “Superman race” a “new breed”. This is the belief that members of the NAR will evolve into literally being Christ on earth, sinless, immortal, and able to raise the dead, Judge the church and nations and form a new government. This is nothing less than New Age, pagan spirituality. The NAR takes Joel 2 out of context to build their “Joel’s Army” Gnosticism and yet Governor Perry of Texas is working with NAR members for his August 6, 2011 prayer rally and he is using Joel 2 as the justification for this rally. Why are Christian and pro-family leaders entering into a spiritual enterprise with false teachers that were rejected by the Assemblies of God 40 years ago for its cultish beliefs? Does Perry think his uniting with such paganism will make him more appealing to Christian voters?

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