Brannon Howse: Aired July 15, 2014


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Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb: Question: How old is the earth? Question: I would like more insight about what the pre-flood world looked like. Outside of the extreme evil, was it in fact more advanced and even populated than today? Question: My question relates to the difference between prophecy and teaching. At my church, the pastor is vague about the difference between the two. I do not see any difference between the two apart from the fact that prophesy can sometimes refer to foretelling or predictive speech. Can you explain this in light of Rom. 12:6; 1 Cor. 13:9; 14:1, 39; and Rev. 10:11; 11:3? Question: Ezek. 29:12-13 says Egypt is made desolate for 40 years. Has this happened in history? Question: When the rapture occurs, it does not seem like the world will stop or even be concerned because they will keep on going as is. Do you think that the antichrist will rise up and declare that he got rid of the evil (Christians) in this world? Question: Is it not true that the Jews will only be looking for a Jewish Messiah? Does this have any bearing on the identity of the antichrist? Question: At the rapture, will the world be relieved that Christians are gone? Question: What will happen to the people who manage to survive the Tribulation and go into the Millennium and still reject Jesus as Savior? Topic: We take your question on our phone line.

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