Brannon Howse: Aired July 16, 2013


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for Ask Dr. John. Question: I have a friend who listens to "Christian" heavy metal music. I want to know if it is okay for us to be listening to this kind of music, because it so closely resembles the world. Question: Do you believe that human footprints and dinosaur tracks were found in same rock layers near the Paluxy River? Why do some creationists reject this evidence? Has it been tampered with?  Question: Please explain what is meant by church planting.  Question: Are children punished because of their parents’ sins? What about 2 Sam. 12? Question: Is Satan able to put thoughts into a believer’s mind? Question: Are guardian angels assigned to all believers, or only to children (Matt. 18:10)? Question: What do you believe to be the most interesting geopolitical events occurring now that may be setting the stage for Bible prophecy? Question: What types of ministries should I invest my financial giving in? Question: In your view, what is the status currently of the modern Biblical creationism movement? What are the biggest challenges it faces? Question:  A nationally-known Bible teacher that I respect was part of an event that involved others that I believe to be false teachers. How concerned should I be about this?

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