Brannon Howse: Aired July 22, 2013


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Twisted Scriptures Twisted Theology (Program #1). Today Brannon beings a series that will look at some of the most common Scriptures that are taken out of context. Topic: 2 Peter 3:16-17 warns that people will twist the Scriptures to their own eternal destruction. Topic: Revelation 3:20 is often used to describe God knocking at the door of someone’s heart but the context is Jesus knocking on the door of the lukewarm church of Laodicea that is filled with false converts. Topic: Revelation 3:15: Does God really want people to be cold? Topic: John 10:10 is a verse often taken out of context by the Word of Faith false teachers. When Jesus said He would give believers life more abundantly the context is salvation not material riches or your best life now as defined by the world. Topic: John 8:32 declares that the truth shall set you free. This verse is even used by politically conservative talk show hosts to describe the truth of a public policy issue setting liberals free. The context however is not intellectual but spiritual in its proclamation of the truth of the gospel and the truth about Jesus Christ. Topic: We take your calls.

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