Brannon Howse: Aired July 25, 2013


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Twisted Scripture, Twisted Theology (Part #3) Verse: Hebrews 12:1-3 is often used to say that people in heaven are the cloud of witnesses watching us as we run the Christian race. Why is this not correct and what is the true meaning of these Scriptures? Verse: Philippians 4:13 is a verse used by athletes and others to declare that they can accomplish a certain goal or objective. However, what is the correct meaning of this verse and why does it not apply to winning a football game or getting the corner office? Verse: Matthew 7:1 is perhaps the most misquoted verse and it is often used silence those that are speaking Biblical truth. One way we know this verse is not a prohibition against judging includes the fact that in this very chapter, Jesus Himself calls certain people pig, dogs, and wolves in sheep’s clothing. Verse: Romans 8:18-23 is a passage of Scripture that is used by the New Apostolic Reformation to speak of a special generation that will be spiritually evolved and establish God’s kingdom and that creation is groaning for the revealing of the sons of God; which they declare will be this special generation. Why is this interpretation completely wrong and what is the meaning of Romans 8:18-23? Verse: Matthew 16:19, 18:18 and Luke 11:21-22 is often used to say that Christians are to pray and bind Satan or demons but they are wrong. What is the correct meaning of these verses? Verse: Philippians 2:6-7 is used by many false teaches to say that Jesus Christ came to earth as a man and later became God. This teaching is known as Kenotic Theology. What is the correct interpretation of Philippians 2:6-7? Topic: We take your calls including a caller from Arizona that want to know the correct meaning of Mark 10:27 that says that with God all things are possible.

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