Brannon Howse: Aired June 12, 2013


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Attorney and journalist Michael Snyder joins Brannon on this installment of Worldview Weekend radio. Topic: Are America’s intelligence agencies flagging certain Americans because of their worldview? What is Main Core and are millions of Americans on this list because of their conservative worldview and subject to being monitored or even detained in the event of a national crisis? What many of us discounted as conspiracy theories now seem to be coming true. Just a few years ago the Department of Home Land Security put out a report that classified as potential terrorists those where we pro-life, interested in Biblical prophecy and were military veterans. Thus, would it be a shock to now find out that the government is potentially monitoring the more vocal conservatives and Christians that live in America? Topic: Larry Grothwohl was an FBI informant that penetrated the Weather Underground. Hear the audio of Larry discussing how these radicals discussed the need to re-educate 25 million Americans once their revolution occurred in America. One of the members of the Weather Underground was Bill Ayers who happens to be a friend and potentially the ghost writer of President Obama'’s books. Now that Obama is in power, should we be concerned that the Obama Administration is continuing and perhaps increasing the collection of data on Americans that are working to oppose the revolution Obama and his friends are seeking to carry out in America? Topic: We take your calls.

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