Brannon Howse: Aired June 14, 2013


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Urgent Report: Evangelicals are pushing for an immigration bill some of them have not read and now we find out that the Senate bill will mandate a national I.D. card that will rob Americans of freedom and increase the likelihood of tyranny. Brannon explains in great detail what this national I.D. card will include and that it is for all Americans and not just for immigrants seeking citizenship. Find out what pro-family and evangelical leaders are pushing for passage of an immigration bill. Since when is tyranny pro-family? Since when is collapsing our economy, redistribution of wealth, and taking jobs from Americans considered pro-family and evangelical? Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins Brannon today to discuss these topics: Topic: United States may support Syrian rebels against Bashar Assad. Topic: Thousands of protestors in Turkey continue their efforts to bring down Prime Minister Erdigan and stop him from making Turkey an Islamic republic. Topic: As Iranian's go to the polls to elect a president - there is a warning - don't forget the apocolyptic policy makers. Topic: Israel marks the 65th Anniversary of the Israeli Defense Force - the IDF - one of the world's most powerful fighting forces.

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