Brannon Howse: Aired June 19, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb. Dr. John answers these listener questions. Question: Does anyone know why the tribe of Dan or Ephraim is not listed in Rev 7? Question: We have a friend that claims to be a Christian. She has been living with a guy that is not her husband. Now she's pregnant and a lady is giving her a baby shower. My daughter and wife have been invited. They don’t feel it is right for this lady to be giving her a baby shower and feel that if they go, they are condoning her lifestyle. What is your opinion in matters like this? Should they go or not? Question: What does the Lord Jesus mean when He says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see GOD." Question: Explain the difference between a worldwide flood and a global flood ? This is one of the hot discussion points with Ken Ham and Dr Ross. Question: Are we all created in God's image or only those who are righteous before Christ? A friend keeps saying to me that the wicked were not created in God's image. But we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Question: What does the Bible teach about what a Christian woman should wear? I have been hearing some legalistic teaching on it lately and want to be clear about what the Bible says. Question: What does 1 John 5:16-17 mean? Question: Does man have a choice in salvation? Or in other words, can man choose by his/her own will (choice) to be saved? Question: Is salvation really eternal or once and for all? Some say that if a person falls into sin then they were never really saved in the first place. But Hebrews 6:4-6 indicates otherwise. It seems very clear in these three verses that a saved person can forfeit their salvation. How can one really be sure? There are many other verses that indicate you can lose your salvation. Question: If it is appointed unto every man to die once what about individuals like Lazarus who was raised from the dead? Question: Why do you hold to a pre-tribulation rapture?

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