Brannon Howse: Aired June 23, 2014


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Guest: Mike Abendroth. Topic: Anne Graham-Lotz puts out an e-mail alert in which she writes, “Blow the trumpet...sound the alarm...for the day of the Lord is coming. It is close at hand-- Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God... Joel 2:1, 13”. First off, Joel 2 is to the nation of Israel. She then writes, “…I have had time to be quiet and listen more to the whispers of the Spirit. He has revealed things to me in the stillness that I'm not sure I would have heard in my former busyness.” Mike explains why this is not Biblical. Where are we told as New Testament believers to be listening for “the whispers of the Spirit”? Topic: Anne Graham-Lotz writes: “He gave me the message I was to deliver… It was a message warning that judgment is coming.” So Anne is getting extra-Biblical revelation? Mike explains why this is the promotion of mysticism. Topic: Hear the audio of a promotional video from a church in Arkansas that describes their children’s ministry. You will be shocked at what this church thinks qualifies as a gospel ministry to children. Topic: We take your calls.

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