Brannon Howse: Aired on June 27, 2011


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I was awaken at 2:30 am Saturday morning June 25, 2011 with sad news. Our dear friend and Worldview Weekend volunteer Jim Smith, who lives in the Twin Cities, stepped into glory. My family and I were at Ron Carlson's visitation Friday night in the Twin Cities and Jim and Barb Smith were with us almost the entire time. Four hours later Jim went to be with the Lord. Jim and Barb have volunteered at dozens of Worldview Weekends including Branson 2011 for a total of 7 of the 8 Worldview Weekends in Branson. Jim and I were walking around in the parking lot Friday night talking with my son Landon. Jim and Barb were to vacation with our family last week as they have the past 7 summers but when Ron Carlson passed away we moved the date to July so we could all be with the Carlson family. The Smiths have traveled with us to many Worldview Weekends with the Carlsons and we all shared many meals together over the years. When Ron and Jim were sitting with me at four meals in Branson April 29, 30 and May 1, I never thought it would be the last time we would all three enjoy each other’s company. Jim and Ron are now enjoying each other’s company in glory. Jim had the gift of being a servant. Jim helped set up and take down at dozens of Worldview Weekends. Jim and Barb have hosted many speakers for us by picking them up from the airport and taking care of them for the weekend and then returning them to the airport. Jim ministered in this manner to Mike Reagan, Ravi Zacharias, Joel Rosenberg, Erwin Lutzer, Norm Geisler, Josh McDowell, Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort to name just a few. Jim came to faith in Christ as an adult and had an incredible testimony of how God can transform someone’s life for His honor and glory. Jim was such a blessing to me personally with his servant’s heart. Many times after a conference I would be tired and dreading packing up the motor coach only to come out into the foyer and see that Jim had recruited some volunteers and had everything packed up. Jim had retired from the corporate world but not from ministry. Please pray for Barb Smith and the family.

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