Brannon Howse: Aired June 5, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb: Topic: Can you explain the sea of glass spoken of in Revelation? Topic: What does it mean exactly to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord? When a Christian dies Is the soul aware of what is going on around them or are we in some deep sleep until the rapture of the church? Topic: Is hell forever or is the individual eventually destroyed? Topic: Where does the Bible say that Christians must forgive people who have committed crimes and sins against you if they do not confess and repent? Topic: What does the verse mean that says that if I make my bed in Hell God will be there? Topic: What would you tell Christians who want to be cremated when they die? Topic: What does the Bible say about Christians getting into a debate or arguments with unbeliever or a false teacher? Topic: Is it biblically wrong for a woman to be a worship leader? Topic: On your last program you said that God the Father and Holy Spirit never had a form and never will. What about when Moses asked to see God and God allowed him to hide behind the cleft of the rock and just see the back of him as He was passing by? Topic: What happened to the Israelites who died in the desert because of unbelief? Topic: Why are signs and wonders not for today?

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