Brannon Howse: Aired June 9, 2014


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Topic: Joel Osteen joins a coalition of 15 protestant leaders that went to the Vatican to meet with Pope Francis on interfaith understanding and ecumenical prayer. The delegation then attended a convocation service with 50,000 Charismatic Catholics. Osteen virtually admits that he agrees with the Harlot Church Pope Francis is building. Topic: The Southern Baptist Convention releases a report that states they have a problem with their association not seeing conversions or baptism. The SBC report states that the “only consistently growing” baptism group was children under the age of five. Brannon explains why children under the age of five should not be baptized and how the SBC has become very skilled at creating false converts. Brannon explains why the SBC, which is the largest denomination in America, is in decline and then explains that the SBC obsession with warm bodies walking the aisle, saying a “sinner’s prayer,” and then getting baptized is a part of the reason the SBC is in decline. Topic: Sadly, most churches do not require a public profession of faith and testimony. In the end are most churches really interested in true converts and Biblical discipleship or simply numbers? Topic: Our phone lines filled up on these topics.

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