Brannon Howse: Aired March 1, 2012


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Topic One: Some defenders of the Monumental movie want to claim that we don’t have a right to speak on any of what we already know until we have seen the film. They are 100% wrong. In fact what they say does not even pass the common sense test of reason and logic and must be seen for what it is; deflection of legitimate concerns and spinning. Truth is often sacrificed by members of the good old boy club because of the benefits that come with such loyalty and compromise. The Monument to the Forefathers is really only a symbol of the big problem and the big picture facing American Christianity today. The unbiblical big picture is made of up many parts that Brannon lays out in the first fifteen minutes of the program. Topic Two: Marquis Laughlin and Pastor Ron are both black ministers that are burdened for the black churches in America. You will be encouraged by their testimony to continue on even as they are scorned by members of the black community for speaking Biblical truth. Listen to today’s program and gain a better understanding for how to encourage, pray for, and support Black pastors and Christian laymen and women that are working to reach African Americans with the gospel and to turn them away from a false gospel. Both of these men are paying a price for speaking Biblical truth and they serve as an example to all Christians to serve the Lord even in the face of persecution and ridicule.

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