Brannon Howse: Aired March 11, 2013


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Topic: Update on April’'s hunt training. Topic: North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention to feature Rick Warren'’s wife at conference. Topic: Brannon explains how the right and left are merging politically and spiritually and plays sound clips to prove it. What does Focus on the Family, The Southern Baptist Convention, The National Association of Evangelicals and Neo-Marxist Jim Wallis all have in common? They are working together to bring about what is nothing less than amnesty for illegals just as the Communist Party USA is calling for. Topic: How could pro-family and church denominations be assisting, directly or indirectly, in pushing a national ID card by pushing for amnesty legislation? News reports detail how an immigration bill could likely include a national ID card that would track all workers whether or not they are U.S. citizens. The George W. Bush Administration tried to bring about the Real ID Act but states rebelled. Now the globalist seem to be using an immigration bill to bring about a national ID card for Americans. News reports detail that this card would be required to do many routine things such as board an airplane or enter a government building. How is pushing amnesty for illegals that take jobs from Americans and add to our welfare rolls a family friendly policy? How can pro-family leaders claim to be family friendly when they are pushing a bill that may include a national ID card? Corporate fascism is not family friendly and a national ID card fits well with socialism or corporate fascism. Topic: We take your calls.

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