Brannon Howse: Aired March 12, 2013


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Topic: Understanding the Worldview of Gary Thomas. Recently when Life Action Summit Revival came through Brannon’s town, they promoted a book by Gary Thomas from the platform. Life Action also has articles by Gary Thomas on their website and they carry some of his books in their online bookstore. Focus on the Family, Rick Warren, and numerous others have promoted Gary Thomas and his books. Thomas promotes contemplative prayer and writes of repeating a word for up to twenty minutes until your heart seems to be repeating the word by itself. Why is this sort of mantra not Biblical? Why are we not to listen for an outward or inward voice of God? Topic: Numerous discernment ministries have warned that Thomas positively quotes from Mary Anne McPherson Oliver’s book, Conjugal spirituality. In this book Oliver promotes such things as tantric sex. What is tantric sex and how is it connected to Hinduism? Why would Gary Thomas be promoting Oliver’s book? Topic: Oliver also promotes the father of the New Age Movement Teilhard de Chardin. Topic: So why are “evangelical” groups promoting the books of Gary Thomas and why will most people not speak up when such books are promoted within their church? Topic: Hear the testimony of a caller as he describes his involvement in the occult and with transcendental meditation and how he now sees the same practice today within evangelicalism under a new name. This caller is now a Christian and joins us on the program to support our warning to the modern church.

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