Brannon Howse: Aired March 13, 2014


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Topic: When Mega Pastors Twist Scripture and Twist Arms For Money. Topic: What the Bible really teaches about supporting those that are in full time gospel ministry and what does it mean to give to the work of the Lord? Are churches a tool of the kingdom of God or the kingdom of God? Are you not giving to the work of the Lord if you give directly to a Biblical missionary or a Christian family without going through a local 501(c)(3) church? Topic: Supporting a Biblical New Testament church through grace giving is important but legalism and applying verses concerning Israel to a local church is not only unbiblical but it can be manipulation of congregation members. Topic: Hear the various audio clips of mega-pastors Steve Gaines, Ronnie Floyd, and Robert Morris that include twisting Scripture, using verses related to the nation of Israel, speaking of curses and opening doors for demons for not giving and accusations that you are stealing from God if you don’t give as they declare. Topic: One mega-pastor speaks of writing your first fruits check before paying the mortgage. So a father should put the mortgage of the church or the salary of the church ahead of the needs of his family and the family mortgage? What does the Bible say about this? Topic: According to numerous reports that SBC annuity fund is worth $10 billion dollars and yet the first fruit check should go to a mega-church before the family mortgage? Does some of the first fruit check go towards the retirement of the pastor that is in the $10 billion annuity fund? Does anyone notice just how selfish, greedy, and self-serving these mega pastors are being? Topic: Hear an audio of Pastor John MacAthur and Pastor Wade Burleson teaching the exact opposite of Floyd, Morris, and Gaines. The difference is Burleson and MacArthur are teaching Scripture in context. Hear an audio of a women asking Pastor MacArthur if she should take care of debt or keep tithing. The response by MacArthur reveals he is a shepherd not a shark. Topic: We take lots of calls from our listeners on what they think after hearing these audio clips.

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