Brannon Howse: Aired March 18, 2013


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Topic: On Sunday night, March 17th, John MacArthur preached a sermon at his church entitled “Welcoming A New Anti-Christ.” Hear a few key audio clips from this sermon that few pastors would have the courage to proclaim. Topic: Cardinal enjoys a 12 bedroom apartment just a few yards from the entrance to a gay sauna. In fact, the Vatican owns several apartments used by this Cardinal and several priests that also house the sauna. According to news reports, Cardinal Dias lives upstairs from the gay sauna. Topic: The wealth of the Church of Rome is so great it cannot be calculated according to a March 8, 2013 article. How does this fit with what we read in Revelation 17? Topic: Brannon starts the program with an audio clip of New Religious Right Pastor Jim Garlow lecturing President Obama on the need to repent of his values. Brannon explains that while the New Religious Right is busy calling President Obama to repent, they should be repenting for confusing people as to what the gospel is by conducting spiritual enterprises with false teachers and those that follow another Jesus and another gospel. Brannon puts forth a very important question. “If President Obama followed the New Religious Right closely, would he hear a clear and uncompromising Biblical gospel or just simply be confused as to whether he should follow the catholic Jesus, the Mormon Jesus, or the New Apostolic Reformation Jesus that is often represented in the spiritual enterprises of the New Religious Right?”

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