Brannon Howse: Aired March 19, 2013


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Brannon’'s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John.” Question: Please explain the parable of the marriage feast in Matt.22:1-14. Is "outer darkness" hell or is it what some describe as a "suburb of heaven"? Does it mean that some born again believers will be excluded from the "marriage feast" or from receiving the full blessing of God in heaven? Question: Please explain Matt. 24:14. Our youth pastor uses this verse to motivate the youth for evangelism, but does this verse apply now or during the tribulation? Question: Where in Matthew 24 does the rapture occur and when does the first part of the tribulation begin – since the second half of the tribulation begins at Matt. 24:15? Question: Does Heb. 6:4-6 mean you can lose your salvation? Question: Who is “the elect lady” in 2 John 1? Question: I listen to several good Bible-teaching radio programs, but I stopped going to church in 2012, as my church was teaching the prosperity gospel and I have not found a church that preaches the true gospel. I can’t stay home, so what should I do? Question: Who closed the canon of Scripture, and what was their authority for doing so? How do we know that Rome did not re-write this history regarding the authority of the Bible? Question: My pastor is constantly quoting Heb. 4:12 to mean that if you read a passage one day and get no meaning out of it, but later read that same passage again, it may then speak to your circumstances. Is this Biblical? Question: Is God glorified when an unrepentant sinner goes to hell? Question: Will the pope be the Antichrist?

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