Brannon Howse: Aired March 2, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Does Kirk Cameron’s new movie stem from the eschatology of postmillennialism? If not, just what is Kirk’s eschatology? Brannon calls on Kirk to openly acknowledge on his Facebook page his eschatology so everyone can understand how he views the role of the church in the world today, his view of Israel, and the ultimate goals and purpose of his new film Monumental. Jimmy explains the various end time philosophies and how postmillennialism certainly has its own brand of reconstructionism and dominionism. Jimmy also describes his personal understanding of the end time beliefs of Dr. Marshall Foster who has worked on the Monumental movie with Kirk Cameron. Brannon also addresses the straw man assumptions and false narratives of one Facebook blogger in defense of the Monumental movie.

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