Brannon Howse: Aired March 20, 2013


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Hirelings vs. Shepherds: On today’s program Brannon plays a shocking audio clip of a pastor mocking those in his church that want to go deeper into the study of God’s Word by calling them babies and he calls them selfish. You have to hear this audio to fully understand the mean and spiteful remarks by this hireling toward God’s people. Are these the remarks of a truly saved man and could this explain this hireling's attitude and methodology? Are those that want to go deeper into God’s Word being selfish or actually the opposite of selfish? Brannon makes the case that the one being selfish are the hirelings that are willing to sacrifice Biblical truth in favor of their self-centered goal of building a big church attendance, big salary, big staff, and multiple campus locations. Brannon also makes the case that when a hireling gets up in front of his people and criticizes those that want to go deeper into God’s Word that what he is really doing is marginalizing dissenters in order to achieve group consensus behind his unbiblical model of what he wants to call a church. Topic: We take your calls that include a call from a pastor that explains his constant work to protect his flock from false teaching.

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