Brannon Howse: Aired March 27, 2012


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Part Two: On today’s program Brannon shares 9-13 of the twenty characteristics of false teachers embraced by the false church. Part three will air on Wednesday. All of these twenty characteristics come from the Bible and Brannon gives the scriptures for you to write down. How can you protect yourself, your family, your friends, and your church if you do not know how to identify false teachers. Today’s program equips you will the facts you need to contend earnestly for the faith against false teachers. But first; hear the clips of Kirk Cameron on with Michael Medved and Medved tells Kirk the Masons were behind the monument in Kirk’s film. Medved also tells Kirk that some of the founding fathers were Masons and that the Masons wanted to support religion. Medved says the Masons "were behind this Monument". Medved was complimentary of the Masons and their involvement with the Monument to the Forefathers. Kirk clears his throat, stutters and seems very taken back by Medved's comments. This is interesting because last week on his facebook page Kirk wrote, "…neither the film nor the monument have anything to do with Freemasonry." We never said the film has anything to do with Freemasonry but the monument sure does and we have documented that and now Michael Medved tells Kirk the same thing. On his facebook page Kirk Cameron wrote last week "No need to be troubled by the conspiracy theorists who have not watched the film, and do not understand the history of this beautiful monument." I wonder if Kirk now thinks Michael Medved is a conspiracy theorist for saying the monument was funded and built by the Masons? Medved, an orthodox Jewish man, was complimentary of the film but he did close the interview by telling Kirk that Monument to the Forefathers, the statue his film is based around, was ugly. Kirk seemed to be taken back by this comment as well.

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