Brannon Howse: Aired March 31, 2014


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Topic: Paige Patterson is the President of the Southern Baptist Seminary Southwestern Seminary in Ft. Worth. On March 27th Patterson was asked on his tweeter feed “who is your favorite contemporary theologian.” Patterson replied, “"Hard question. I love the works of Peter Kreeft..."…” Peter Kreeft is a catholic that has written numerous books including "Ecumenical Jihad" in which he writes about Moses, Muhammad, Confucius, and Buddha all being in heaven. Patterson helped to reclaim the SBC from the liberals with the help of others such as Adrian Rogers starting in the late 1970s. It now sounds like Paige Patterson is one of the liberals impacting the SBC and sadly, training seminary students. Topic: Hear some more of the presentation Brannon delivered at Contend 2014; Contending Against the ISMS of the Day.”

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