Brannon Howse: Aired March 4, 2014


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Dr. John Whitcomb joins Brannon for this installment of Ask Dr. John. Question:

Humans for millennia have used astronomical events to mark time, though long ago they did not fully understand how the solar system works. Nevertheless, the day was based on the rotation of the earth, the month was based on the revolving of the moon around the earth and the year was based on the revolving of the earth around the sun. Did the ancients have any form of “week,” or did that first come about when God gave Israel the seven-day week, based on God’s week of creation (Gen. 1:1- 2:3; Ex. 20:8-11; 31:12-17)?

Question: If the 10 virgins of Matt. 25:1-13 were all called and all went to meet the bridegroom, do we know if the five foolish ones were not saved?

Question: What happened to the people who came out of the graves in Matt. 27: 52, 53. Did they have to die again or were they taken up to heaven?

Question : If all the body of Christ, or all believers, are part of the bride of Christ, who are the wedding guests (Rev. 19:9)?

Question: Please explain if the baptism by/with the Holy Spirit, the filling of the Spirit and the sealing of the Spirit are separate experiences apart from salvation.
Question: Will we ever see our Lord Jesus Christ face to face?
Question: One of my friends is going on a mission trip to Haiti. A prayer sheet handed out for this mission trip asked us to pray that the people in Haiti would see visions and dreams. Should we pray that these people will see dreams and visions about the missionary coming?

Question: Was the Jewish sacrificial system a preparation and protective measure to enter the Temple?

Question: Do you attribute any prophetic significance to the events unfolding currently both in Russia and in Israel?

Question: What can we do to make the upcoming Easter season more meaningful?

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