Brannon Howse: Aired March 5, 2013


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Brannon’'s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John”. Question: Who were the Nephilim (giants)? Did angelic beings and human women have children together in Genesis 6? Question: How should we answer unbelievers who are offended by Ex. 12:29 and the idea that God killed innocent children? My thought is that this shows us how serious sin is and the effect sin has on others. Question: How were the people and the priests in the Old Testament physically able to handle the sacrifices of large animals – such as bulls? Wasn’t this difficult? Question: Where in the Old Testament did God prophesy that He would bring the Jews back into their land 1,900 years after they were dispersed? Question: My six-year-old child requested to ask Dr. John a question: How do I make sure that I'm saved from sin? I know Jesus died on the cross to take our sins, to take the penalty of sins, but I'm not sure how to believe. Question: Does Rev. 22:19 deny the doctrine of eternal security? Question: While I do not believe that it is biblical to have women pastors, is it OK to have women ushers? Question: Is there a place for deaconesses? Question: What does the Bible say about protecting our family in using guns, for instance?

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