Brannon Howse: Aired March 6, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is theologian Dr. John Whitcomb with listener questions that include: Are we under the Old Testament law, or not? How do we know when we are really being led by the Spirit instead of led by the flesh or emotions? Who are the 2/3rds that will be cut off and die in Zachariah 13:8? Why is soul sleep unbiblical? What verses refute postmillennialism? Will there be crime during the millennium? During the millennium Jesus Christ will be reigning on earth from Jerusalem and yet the many of those born during the millennium will reject Christ. If people will reject Christ while He is physically visible on earth what makes pro-family leaders think they can change the culture by their efforts of moralizing and compromising the gospel through ecumenical efforts? If millions of people are not going to be transformed by the gospel, and the very presence of Jesus Christ on earth, why would people believe a culture can be reclaimed through the much inferior political process and gospel compromising efforts of the New Religious Right? What is the meaning of Matthew 16:28? Hint; the answer is found in Matthew 17:1. This is a good lesson on how bad chapter breaks often cause people to read Scripture out of context.

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