Brannon Howse: Aired March 7, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is Justin Peters. After nine months of reaching out to Dr. David Jeremiah through letters and conversations with his office, Justin is now going public with his concerns of Dr. Jeremiah appearing on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) as he did this past week as part of TBN’s “Praise-A-Thon”. Hear the audio clips of TBN founder Paul Crouch and David Jeremiah from this past week and the concerns by Justin that Dr. Jeremiah is giving credibility to TBN, its founder, and the false teachers and prosperity gospel that is so prevalent on TBN. Dr. Jeremiah seems to make an attempt to separate himself from the prosperity gospel in his latest appearance while at the same time praising TBN and its founder. At one point Dr. Jeremiah is asked to start the evening in prayer and talks about those who will “minister to us from the Word of God.” Peters takes issue with this because that evening Peters says after Jeremiah’s appearance Benny Hinn, Clarence McClendon, Mark Chironna and Steve Muncey were all guests on that very Praise-A-Thon. Benny Hinn is notorious for taking the Bible out of context not to mention the others that appeared as part of this Praise-A-Thon. Why does there seem to be an epidemic of evangelicals uniting in spiritual enterprises with false teachers? What is the driving motivation for such enterprises that are Biblically condemned in 2 Corinthians 6:14, 2 John 9-11, and Romans 16:17? Being a guest on TBN today is highly concerning but being part of an event to raise money for them is definitely crossing the line says Peters. We also take your calls.

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