Brannon Howse: Aired March 8, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is author, Dr. Tommy Ice. Topics Include: What is Postmillennialism and what are its characteristics? Dr. Ice gives a history of Postmillennialism during the church’s history. Many falsely believe that postmillennialism was dominate among the Pilgrims and Puritans during America’s Colonial Period (1620–1776); How have the Pilgrims and Puritans been hijacked by postmillennialists and reconstructionists and presented in a mixture of true and false history? How does one’s view of the millennium impact one’s thinking today? Why did the Pilgrims, but mainly the Puritans come to America? What is the Christian Reconstructionist movement and how important are their views of Bible prophecy? Do Postmillennialists believe in Replacement Theology and why? In the early 1980s why did reconstructionists meet with and train leaders of the Word of Faith Movement? Based upon a recent one-hour lecture by Kirk Cameron, what millennial view does Dr. Ice think Kirk communicated in his talk? Was Kirk correct when he said the Pilgrims had a 500 year plan? Kirk wrongly states that Secular Humanism is taking over the American culture when reality is it is Cosmic Humanism. Why is this an important distinction? In an audio clip that you will hear, Kirk claims that Christians, or the church, are about to take the stage. What is Kirk trying to communicate with this statement? What is the social gospel and what view of the millennium have those that hold to the social gospel historically held? Isn’t the Christian Reconstructionist movement simply another round of the social gospel in a little different form? How does this movement, despite good intentions, eventually lead to apostasy and ecumenicalism? What influence has the Christian Reconstructionist movement had on dominionists charismatics? Does Dr. Ice believe that it is possible for America to return to its Puritan roots? Why is it wrong to attach the gospel to the idea of political or cultural victory or revolution? Do we see anywhere in the Scriptures where the gospel is to be preached for the purpose of cultural renewal?

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