Brannon Howse: Aired May 10, 2013


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Topic: Another false teacher warns about false teaching. Hear audio of Pat Robertson warning about false prophets and then listen to a clip of Pat Robertson for 2012 stating that God told him that Mitt Romney would be President of the United States and even win a 2nd term. Thus, how credible is Pat to warn of false prophets when he is one? Topic: Dr. DeYoung joins us for our Middle East update. Topic: Israeli's Celebrate 46th Anniversary of Jerusalem as Palestinians use violence. Topic: Syrian President Bashar Assad Promises Hezbollah all the weapons, even the chemical weapons of mass destruction while Hezbollah says they will help Syria get back the Golan Heights. Topic: Palestinian official says that if he had a nuclear weapon, he would use it against Israel. Topic: Mass exodus of Christians from the Moslem nations in the Middle East. Topic: We take your calls.

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