Brannon Howse: Aired May 13, 2013


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Mike Gendron joins Brannon on this program. Topic: Francis Chan apologizes to his church, visiting Catholics and the secular media after former Catholic Mike Gendron finishes a message on the Biblical gospel. Chan shut down the meeting and stopped any question and answer time from taking place and then publically announced his regret for inviting Mike to speak at his church. The apology was covered in the secular news the next day. Topic: What message was Chan sending to the unsaved followers of the false gospel of the Church of Rome? Can Chan be trusted as a minister of the gospel? Topic: Hear the recent audio of Chan speaking before Rick Warren’s church and hear him praise false teacher Rick Warren. Is this just one of many examples of why Chan should not be promoted by Biblical Christians? Topic: How are other evangelicals pushing ecumenicalism whether they know it or not? Topic: Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins have the Pope raptured in the first Left Behind book? Topic: LaHaye defends Christians working with Glenn Beck and admonishes those that are warning of uniting in spiritual enterprises with Beck? Topic: LaHaye got up after Mike Gendron spoke at the Steeling the Mind Conference and urged the audience not to believe Gendron’s Biblical teaching? Topic: LaHaye stops Brannon from speaking at a conference in December of 2012 even though Brannon was going to speak on the threat of false teaching and the dangers of the New Apostolic Reformation? Topic: Evangelicals are dividing the church by defending false teaching, false teachers, and attacking those that are lovingly pointing out false teachers and false teaching as Biblically commanded to do so. Topic: We take your calls.

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