Brannon Howse: Aired May 14, 2013


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Topic: Why Pastor Rule is Not Biblical: Topic: The New Testament never mentions a church that is led by only one pastor/elder but always mentions a plurality of elders leading the church. What specific Bible verses in the New Testament mention the plurality of elders? Topic: Why are some elder boards really not Biblical but just rubber stamps for the pastor to rule as he desires? Topic: A church can have a lead teaching pastor but the term Senior Pastor is not found in the Bible and in fact has more in common with the parish priest as promoted by the Catholic Church or the rector in the Anglican Church. Topic: The church has deacons in order to assist elders and to free up elders for preaching, teaching, and administration. Topic: The main difference between an elder and a deacon according to the Biblical requirements is that an elder must be able to teach. Topic: A plurality of elders provides accountability, a more effective equipping of the saints for ministry and protection for each elder and the flock. Topic: What does it say about a pastor that must have the final say on how the church is administrated? Topic: The pastor is not a CEO. Topic: The pastor is not the head of the church; Christ is the head of the church. Topic: Many pastors that reject the Rick Warren model of a seeker-driven church do however agree with Warren’s CEO model if they agree with the idea of pastor rule. Topic: How should a Christian education department be administered and why is it imperative that the elders do the majority of the teaching or have direct supervision over a layperson that is not an elder but is teaching? Topic: Why do pastors reject the Bible model of elders? Topic: Why do church members reject the Biblical model of elders? Topic: We take your calls.

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